Jan 12Liked by Ashley Holstrom

Ashley! Thank you so much! I deeply appreciate this. It was my first book and I’m so happy it is still reaching folks after all these years. ❤️❤️❤️

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YAY! Thank YOU for writing it, spilling your guts out for us all! ❤️

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Jan 13Liked by Ashley Holstrom

I LOVED Maria Bamford’s “Sure I’ll Join Your Cult” only complaint is her audio book is phenomenal with how good her voice impersonations are but it kept referencing photos and I was driving while listening and felt like I was missing out on gems from the photos in the book. I would follow Maria off a cliff, which is counterintuitive towards the theme of her book. But truly- I work in Addiction Medicine and every day I tell my patients that line from Jonathan Winters “Kid, you just gotta keep going.” Salt of the Earth that woman. And I felt awful after hearing how soul sucking it was for her making Lady Dynamite because my husband and I devoured every season. I’m sorry she suffered so deeply for Netflix to treat her so shabbily.

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I think there was a PDF on her website (or the publisher’s website) with those elements for audiobook readers! Ugh, yes. The way she kept mentioning the union-mandated breaks and people were pissed at her for it... Be mad at the system! Not the person taking care of themself!

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Maria Bamford is very funny! That seems like a great read. I kind of knew she had a book but never thought much about it.

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Jan 13Liked by Ashley Holstrom

You’ll Love her book. It also is genuinely filled with optimistic but reality based stories- how her friends drive an hour and a half every day in LA when she’s locked up in the psych ward and gorked on psych meds to visit her every day and just sat with her and how heroic and kind that was for her. Her level of honesty is charming and so bold.

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YES. The honesty and bluntness of it all is so moving. She really takes a hammer to all the stigmas surrounding mental illness.

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It’s truly great!

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