Sep 5, 2022Liked by Luiza B. Campos

Here are two: I recently finished How the One-Armed Sister Sweeps Her House which is set in Barbados. The author, Cherie Jones, tells the story of a murder that is really a story with all the complexities, mixed connections, class, race, gender, and economic divides of movies like Crash or Babel with the same unfolding chain of decisions and consequences. I also loved Half of a Yellow Sun, the earlier novel by Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche.

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Thanks for the recommendation. Never heard of this book by Cherie Jones before. I also love Half of a Yellow Sun :)

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I've had The Anthill on my TBR for ages, and it's one I didn't really know much about, but this certainly makes me want to get to it right away!

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I enjoyed it very much, although maybe I’m a little biased by being a South American myself.

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